Wednesday, January 21, 2009

online uniform

human beings have always been social creatures poeple come toughter in there packs (familys) ually to find have a comforble living and have a higher chance of survival. today poeple still have that need to be in groups. this need to be in groups stemming from our evoulsary back round human spent most of our history evouling to the hunting and gathering life style.humans have inhert need to be in groups and when this is taken away it leds to deire conaquese. this need for being totugher with other poeple has been taken avaentage of by the media to make us by there goods and fall in to a uniform personaltys that would be fit or profitable. most of the ideas that are given in online media is usally shallow, not well thought out and follow a stereo type ofthen also claim to have an answer to every thing. but why do poelple fall for such things arent poeple smarter to serptate relatiy from the fiction that is being presented to them about how to solve these social problems if any problem at all.
this deperaate plea to be accpted or to have fofilled the soical norm is take avatage of by the online adversiers and even vides, articels about how to live an aspect of your life to the "fullest" as they see fit. the problem with these how to videos is that they make also make stereotypes for gender race mroepromintit in socity when it wouldnt really matter at all. also it enhance the chaterized poeple before we know them. for instance in the on how to be a good girlfriend men are shown dumb and love beer, this is not true for many i would think. Also the videos protray all women as sophisticated and smart when that is also not always true.these videos on how tolive your life only septrae poeple by fitting themin to stereo types. this expection of poeplewill fail becuase not allmen are one way and not allwomen are one way becuase of this it would lead to apersonal confusetion always looking for a futher easiar way. this is like a never ending circle where poeple find answers get them wroung and go back to find more anwers and it contiues.

how have advertiements, songs , videos and marjor motion pictuers. the problem is having kids listening or watching these thigns not becuase it will make them sinners but becuase it will confuse them as they grow up as teens and become adults. as adults they will pass what they learned to there childern and it will keep going forever changing the futer of a culture and media.for exsample when you watch something how wouldyou see if lets say 10 or 15 years younger. would you see themusic and the movies the same and how would it effect you. what have i seen that effected how i see poeple.well i grew up watching godzilla movies and i always saw the humans as bad guys. now if i was younge now a days and lack of godillza movies. i was watching transformers earlyer today and thinging about it i might offell in to that when i was younger becuase gaint machines but that movie all the women are not normal poeple there makeup is always perfect. the men are all soilders, horny and drive fast cars that are robots. so what would i expect to see inmy self in that. well nothing im not in that world so as i child i would look to poeple who are like that maybe or look to make my worldlike that expecting poepl to be like in the poeple in the transformer moive. well thats me being a big kid to see that but is there any real sexual adveritments towards childenrn if mytheroy is right that people in are trying to make childern grow up thinking that poeple should look like. well one way to show how peopleshould look like is to look at the hero charter there it is more likely for the child tolook up to the hero charter then any one else in the stroy. so hero chaters, i will show one for male consumers and female consumers. for males that most poeple rememebr is superman.most boys are told or do look up to superman he is mulscalr, tall, strong and white. this is not online but it is the same kinda brain washing where poeple strive to achive an imgae or staus. sueprman and how to be a good boy friend or differnt but come from the same tree. both do the same thing in telling poeple how to act esacalyl when they are as i said before the hero charter. this will in turn effect the next gernation where they will tell there kids the same vaules usally or change what they know to fit even higher expections. for exsample again i will use a super hero who has changes the most with the time. for exssample batman, he first started as a i demshaialnl chater with purple gloves runnign around punching poeple some times killing them.btu how his attuibe and phyic chaged. this shows poeple how they should be over time and these charters change becuase of popeles exoetions.
poeple expect them sleves to be like these impossible expections they hope to fofill but never could and never can.

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