Tuesday, January 20, 2009

martin luther king day

martin Luther king is remembered for being a activist during the civil rights. he was the shield of of the civil rights usually going to Cristian ideals to make his protests. an American Gandhi in some ways avoiding violence and taking as many saw it to be the better route. being tracked by the FBI having bugs on his phone tracking what he said and where he went. but why would they do that did they feel his none violent protest where some thing to worry about? the FBI felt that his ideals shared many with the communist ideology.so in short they where afraid that he was spreading Communism in America. this is another reason for the conspiracies that have been shading his assassination. America celebrates his idea of treating every one equal but at the same time America likes that idea to a point where if being equal effects the wallets then it is bad. but at the same time i remember imagining a world where every one is equal is that what he was talking about some times? that is not really addressed.
is America following his ideas even today.
i feel that people still serrate them selves from other races. also i feel our country looks at it as black and white when there are other colors and races. like native American ,Asian and Hispanic just to say a few. i think that now that we have a larger world that dose not just have black and white and maybe we should switch from black and white to full techno color and make all those people equal. one of which who are becoming the majority so we need to understand that there is not black and white.

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