Wednesday, January 21, 2009

online uniform

human beings have always been social creatures poeple come toughter in there packs (familys) ually to find have a comforble living and have a higher chance of survival. today poeple still have that need to be in groups. this need to be in groups stemming from our evoulsary back round human spent most of our history evouling to the hunting and gathering life style.humans have inhert need to be in groups and when this is taken away it leds to deire conaquese. this need for being totugher with other poeple has been taken avaentage of by the media to make us by there goods and fall in to a uniform personaltys that would be fit or profitable. most of the ideas that are given in online media is usally shallow, not well thought out and follow a stereo type ofthen also claim to have an answer to every thing. but why do poelple fall for such things arent poeple smarter to serptate relatiy from the fiction that is being presented to them about how to solve these social problems if any problem at all.
this deperaate plea to be accpted or to have fofilled the soical norm is take avatage of by the online adversiers and even vides, articels about how to live an aspect of your life to the "fullest" as they see fit. the problem with these how to videos is that they make also make stereotypes for gender race mroepromintit in socity when it wouldnt really matter at all. also it enhance the chaterized poeple before we know them. for instance in the on how to be a good girlfriend men are shown dumb and love beer, this is not true for many i would think. Also the videos protray all women as sophisticated and smart when that is also not always true.these videos on how tolive your life only septrae poeple by fitting themin to stereo types. this expection of poeplewill fail becuase not allmen are one way and not allwomen are one way becuase of this it would lead to apersonal confusetion always looking for a futher easiar way. this is like a never ending circle where poeple find answers get them wroung and go back to find more anwers and it contiues.

how have advertiements, songs , videos and marjor motion pictuers. the problem is having kids listening or watching these thigns not becuase it will make them sinners but becuase it will confuse them as they grow up as teens and become adults. as adults they will pass what they learned to there childern and it will keep going forever changing the futer of a culture and media.for exsample when you watch something how wouldyou see if lets say 10 or 15 years younger. would you see themusic and the movies the same and how would it effect you. what have i seen that effected how i see poeple.well i grew up watching godzilla movies and i always saw the humans as bad guys. now if i was younge now a days and lack of godillza movies. i was watching transformers earlyer today and thinging about it i might offell in to that when i was younger becuase gaint machines but that movie all the women are not normal poeple there makeup is always perfect. the men are all soilders, horny and drive fast cars that are robots. so what would i expect to see inmy self in that. well nothing im not in that world so as i child i would look to poeple who are like that maybe or look to make my worldlike that expecting poepl to be like in the poeple in the transformer moive. well thats me being a big kid to see that but is there any real sexual adveritments towards childenrn if mytheroy is right that people in are trying to make childern grow up thinking that poeple should look like. well one way to show how peopleshould look like is to look at the hero charter there it is more likely for the child tolook up to the hero charter then any one else in the stroy. so hero chaters, i will show one for male consumers and female consumers. for males that most poeple rememebr is superman.most boys are told or do look up to superman he is mulscalr, tall, strong and white. this is not online but it is the same kinda brain washing where poeple strive to achive an imgae or staus. sueprman and how to be a good boy friend or differnt but come from the same tree. both do the same thing in telling poeple how to act esacalyl when they are as i said before the hero charter. this will in turn effect the next gernation where they will tell there kids the same vaules usally or change what they know to fit even higher expections. for exsample again i will use a super hero who has changes the most with the time. for exssample batman, he first started as a i demshaialnl chater with purple gloves runnign around punching poeple some times killing them.btu how his attuibe and phyic chaged. this shows poeple how they should be over time and these charters change becuase of popeles exoetions.
poeple expect them sleves to be like these impossible expections they hope to fofill but never could and never can.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


today this speech was to set the tone of his next fours years of being a president. it was saying over all we will improve and work hard as Americans. is he kidding the idea in this country to to get as much as you can for as little as you can give. hope fully he will inspire people to go out and do something that will benefit the country and not them selves. but he has allot on his plate and i hope he could do some thing to really make a change or a better America. all these problems he has must be attacked with creativity. many people are comparing him to FDR with all that he needs to deal with also having to clean up after a much hated president hoover and bush. over all i don't think it has gotten that bad under bush for us but maybe bad enough that people are comparing him to hoover or Nixon. so this connection to the past shows the hope and desperation that people for America. like Roosevelt that Obama will need to be creative with plans for the country and possible do things to fix America inside and out. the world has its eyes on him he can only deliver or fail.

martin luther king day

martin Luther king is remembered for being a activist during the civil rights. he was the shield of of the civil rights usually going to Cristian ideals to make his protests. an American Gandhi in some ways avoiding violence and taking as many saw it to be the better route. being tracked by the FBI having bugs on his phone tracking what he said and where he went. but why would they do that did they feel his none violent protest where some thing to worry about? the FBI felt that his ideals shared many with the communist in short they where afraid that he was spreading Communism in America. this is another reason for the conspiracies that have been shading his assassination. America celebrates his idea of treating every one equal but at the same time America likes that idea to a point where if being equal effects the wallets then it is bad. but at the same time i remember imagining a world where every one is equal is that what he was talking about some times? that is not really addressed.
is America following his ideas even today.
i feel that people still serrate them selves from other races. also i feel our country looks at it as black and white when there are other colors and races. like native American ,Asian and Hispanic just to say a few. i think that now that we have a larger world that dose not just have black and white and maybe we should switch from black and white to full techno color and make all those people equal. one of which who are becoming the majority so we need to understand that there is not black and white.

Monday, January 12, 2009


easter i think is a perticalr werid hoilday because i feel atleast in my family there is a confustion with the holiday. there is the idea that we are celbrating the day of the resuraction of jesus but why hide the eggs? do zombie jews lke colorfull eggs or some thing. what is is themeaning of this obsuce hoilday? i belive that i could only go form what i see and that is my grandmother she is probly the most convential and probly a window to the past as far as i can go. what she does is go to church and pray alot during the thats was her way of celebrating.but for my later fmaily they hide eggs and we found them ofthen i didnt find them becuase i didnt know the house so i waws relucktent to pull thigns apart that were not mine so i never won. but i was confused how this all tied in to the resurtion of jesus so i asked ad got qustions "like this is just how it is." i didnt dive futher in to the enigigma of easeter. i later found out from the history channle i think the history of sex or the hoilday of easter they said the story of how the chaltics took the hoilday. the hoilday was origally about haveing sex and makeing babys. thats the reson for the rabbits and the eggs all sybloms for reproduction. and made it there own to grab power over the poeple. so that leaves in qustion did jesus rise from dead on that day or even at all. could it have a been a story the chalitc church invented to get a grab for power but i dont know enough to make a finale decstion. i think our country is a bit confused on what to do and how to celebrate. if poeple knew about the orinagla messages then maybe it might change. but the mix messages on how to live a godd and meningfull life are be with family and pray to god to show that greatfull for jesus becoming a zombie.

Friday, January 2, 2009

winter break

Winter break

this winter break was less stressful then the others that I have had. Usually there is a bickering out who I should spend Christmas with and when I can see my dad on Christmas. Also that night a lot of hopeless came over to my house and there was people who my uncles wifes family so it was hard for them to adjust there from Florida. My mother kept compliant about this womens son who was on his i pod the whole time. I can understand why he would of felt a bit alien aided because we never seen him in our lives and now he is in the mist of this family get tougher. I know my mother was bothered by him and maybe he could of included him self more instead of running in to his phone and I pod. Now thinking about it he was distracting him self form what was really going on maybe if he dealt with the real problems ( thrown in to a unknown group of people) he might have had fun and trouble people would nit think he was such an ass hole. I was given a job this Christmas and that was the camera guy, naturally my brother wanted it but he could even tun on the accent camera. So I went around and captured the moments of that day.

The messages it seemed to be reflected in my mother when she was upset about that guy on his I pod. It shows the dominant massager that every one MUST be happy on Christmas and that we all MUST mingling. So only on Christmas every one must be happy what about all the other 364 days in the year people are allowed to be sad. I mean why cant we force happiness on every one all the time is it because no one could take it. People also are suppose to give on Christmas thats the only day peace shows up suppose and some times it does on rare for example the Christmas truce of world war 1 where solders from both sides exchanged gift and partied ed Christmas eve and Christmas day. ( if any one wants to read about this here is a link to a page about it Is that what people want but never allow to happen because we get angry at the people for not being happy and then we are not happy so that leads to no where. There are many examples of “Christmas spirit” but I think it is just a cover up for the natural human need for normality in a chaos and to have no conflict and to just live. Often people change that and make chaos. I realized we need balance in attitude.

i try not to make chistmas about what i got but that is what it is about so i got the book the tao te ching at first i was like this reminds me of the jedi phillopsy and so that got me to be curious in to it. i really like these ideas and im thinking i can take some acepts of it and put in to my life and hopefully act on them and make thoses ideals work.i am thinking that my view on the world would be limited if i looked at one kind of idea so maybe if i spread my self to many differnt ideas i might have a better understanding of the world. now lets say if i get this all figuered out which i never will but lets sya what if it was humanly possible and i was able to figuer it out what then. i think should spread it and help other poeple try to understand it if they want to. it is the same as the convershtion thing we talked about they are going to have to want to learn and not be forced to learn. maybe thats why poeple wait for the firdays and not live for all the other days becuase they are forced with an ultimatuim that no one wants to have.