Friday, January 2, 2009

winter break

Winter break

this winter break was less stressful then the others that I have had. Usually there is a bickering out who I should spend Christmas with and when I can see my dad on Christmas. Also that night a lot of hopeless came over to my house and there was people who my uncles wifes family so it was hard for them to adjust there from Florida. My mother kept compliant about this womens son who was on his i pod the whole time. I can understand why he would of felt a bit alien aided because we never seen him in our lives and now he is in the mist of this family get tougher. I know my mother was bothered by him and maybe he could of included him self more instead of running in to his phone and I pod. Now thinking about it he was distracting him self form what was really going on maybe if he dealt with the real problems ( thrown in to a unknown group of people) he might have had fun and trouble people would nit think he was such an ass hole. I was given a job this Christmas and that was the camera guy, naturally my brother wanted it but he could even tun on the accent camera. So I went around and captured the moments of that day.

The messages it seemed to be reflected in my mother when she was upset about that guy on his I pod. It shows the dominant massager that every one MUST be happy on Christmas and that we all MUST mingling. So only on Christmas every one must be happy what about all the other 364 days in the year people are allowed to be sad. I mean why cant we force happiness on every one all the time is it because no one could take it. People also are suppose to give on Christmas thats the only day peace shows up suppose and some times it does on rare for example the Christmas truce of world war 1 where solders from both sides exchanged gift and partied ed Christmas eve and Christmas day. ( if any one wants to read about this here is a link to a page about it Is that what people want but never allow to happen because we get angry at the people for not being happy and then we are not happy so that leads to no where. There are many examples of “Christmas spirit” but I think it is just a cover up for the natural human need for normality in a chaos and to have no conflict and to just live. Often people change that and make chaos. I realized we need balance in attitude.

i try not to make chistmas about what i got but that is what it is about so i got the book the tao te ching at first i was like this reminds me of the jedi phillopsy and so that got me to be curious in to it. i really like these ideas and im thinking i can take some acepts of it and put in to my life and hopefully act on them and make thoses ideals work.i am thinking that my view on the world would be limited if i looked at one kind of idea so maybe if i spread my self to many differnt ideas i might have a better understanding of the world. now lets say if i get this all figuered out which i never will but lets sya what if it was humanly possible and i was able to figuer it out what then. i think should spread it and help other poeple try to understand it if they want to. it is the same as the convershtion thing we talked about they are going to have to want to learn and not be forced to learn. maybe thats why poeple wait for the firdays and not live for all the other days becuase they are forced with an ultimatuim that no one wants to have.

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