Saturday, December 20, 2008

margoial paragroph

Even though many people see just what I showed before there are also
many messages that are "marginal" meaning that are not as said as the
dominant messages but are still showed from time to time. Often these
messages are contradicted at the same time they are presented. But
still being there they sow us how to live a good and meaningful life
even though the message may be contradicted or even rare to find. The
marginal messages for example show up in some movies, TV, books and
magazines the same space that most dominate messages occupy. But do
not show up that of then in those forms of media. The problem with
marginal messages is often not marginal for too long. But the they
some times stay marginal if for example they do not make good money or
people just don't take a liking to them but it is still they are
present to the masses as a way of living a good and meaning full life

A example of a marginal message in at least America Is a song by the
band Rammstein
Call " Amerika" it is a song sung in mostly German and in the music
video take place on the moon mocking the moon landing also in other
places in the world to show how the American culture has spread and is
changing the way of people. Here is a link if you want to see it.
The link to the English translation is

The lines in the song are important to. The song is lines can be read
almost like orders like some one is telling another person to do some
thing and the person telling all this to is America. This song is
showing that following the American life style is not the best thing.
Even though every one looks happy with all this stuff but at the same
time the show how it says "I'll show you how it's done right."
Showing how America controls people and has to tell people to do what
is "right" it counties to say
I know steps that are very useful,
And I'll protect you from missteps,
And anyone who doesn't want to dance in the end,
Just doesn't know that he has to dance!"
The "I" is America. And the message in this song is to live a good and
meaningful life is to stand above all this and not to get caught up in
the American culture. Again this is clarified when the band becomes
Native Americans showing that they're the real Americans and that we the world is lost to these fake Americans that are the ones who went to the moon.

Another cooperate marginal message is I feel is in star wars. A lot of the time it is contradicting also there are many of them. It is a long series but in the 6 movies there is a lot of messages that tend to go against what our society look at the norms. For example in the movie the empire strikes back , Luke meets a great Jedi master not is some grand temple nor a magnificent Mansion but in a dirty swamp. When our society we thing to be powerfully you must be rich as I mentioned for the good life song that the better you are the more you have. But in this slum there is suppose to be a extraordinarily power full person. This shows that to have a meaningfully life you don't need lots of stuff or a big house. Even further Yoda was not the pinnacle idea of strength he was small and old. This also shows to have a good and meaningfully life you don't need to be beautifully or physically strong this contradicts all those ab commercials that are on so often in magazines and on television.
All these message often are presented to us and it is up to us toy find out which is right for you and even the community you live in marginal messages is usually give us the battling aspect of all these messages often hidden are covered up by the dominate messages. These messages even though the are covered up that still doesn't mean that there less important. But can marginal messages become dominant I think because they are hidden we feel that they are even more important or more meaning full.

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