Monday, June 8, 2009

first reaction to the collapse

well damn. the easter island thing is sad and that there vaules and culture caused there own destruction. where there any other ways could some one have said " a god doesnt look at size but only at detail." then they focus on makeing the most realistc on in a smalllar size and then they wouldnt need the trees. to me that mirros when goeoge washtion carber and ford made a engine run on penut oil becuase they knew oil wasnt going to last forever. it is like that there was a confirmed "come on guys" meaning the opition to change was there but peopel didnt take it. like the exsample i said before they just threw it over there heads and said to hell with that i like big things!! even now peopele feel that they still like there big cars and them to make loud noises. but thats is just one aspect probly the best thyihng to do is to change the root and make enegery that runs things like plastics ,homes and the things that support this systeam to a better energy that wont deplet the earth then it might castcad or grow on to other things. this is like the poeple on easter island had other trees to use besides the ones that where feeding them and maybe could of used other rocks or other trees if any. there are alot of simlaritys here whichc i find sad.

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