Wednesday, May 13, 2009

i tryed

i tryed what i thought was quicker and would invole me useing a motor. i tryed to make almond milk grinding up almonds and then mixing it with water. i thought ok easy and i dont mind plup.
so i took 2 cups of almonds put them in to the 20n year old blender. i then turned it on the lowsist hoping that the speed would allow it to really chop it to big chunks. then i set it higher to make them super tiny so they could like get there juices out and mix with the water.
then i filled the blender with water all the way to the top.and then i looked at it and diciede to mix it in the blender. putting it on slow to mix it and it got all fomemy and nice. so i tasted it was like a werid sweet and it had like sand in it it grinded up the plup too much and it was like chewing on sand.i let my mom have seep she said it needs some thing. it needs vinalla just a i put some vinlla in it . i gave it back to her and she said to much so i grinded up more alomnds to put the taste back and it balanced out the vinlla. ok now that i got it back it put in a plastic container like the ones poeple put ice tea in. i put some in there tryed out some and i didnt like it still had the super fine almond in it. the next day i tryed to strain it in this coffe thing my mom uses. it looked like how a western bull from sicretes posion from its soulders. then it looked like bug eggs too. but the strainer was too thick and it made took way to long for a drop to come out. i ran and got those metal strainers and it kinda worked i had to do it alot to get just the liquid. i took the pulp and put it in the oven i hope to make some facial thing. i hope it works. it did it taste ok like real milk expect sweeter.

1 comment:

Juggleandhope said...

hey ian,

try 1 cup of almonds and fill the blender 3/4 - right idea to grind the almonds as thin as possible - best way to filter the pulp is with cheesecloth or an old t-shirt (clean) over (and dipping inside) a pitcher, held with a rubber band or two.

the vanilla thing is something a lot of people do, also sometimes a little honey.