Friday, April 17, 2009

this break

well so far my break i feel is meaning full and healthy. i been walking a lot , i spent a lot of time by my self not distracted by any thing and just walking.i went through central park and i felt healthy. not just from the walking but from living in the moment i wasn't worried about the home work or people i was just there not worried. then i felt emotionally healthy but times that i didn't feel emotionally healthy when i spent my day just inside the house mostly waiting for my brother to come back so i could take him some where which we never went to. it really sucked and it was a waste of a day and i felt like a fish in a small bowl just sitting there as the world goes by. maybe a billions of things happening and I'm in a box oblivious to the world around me. i think that being separated and distracted from the reality. see what i think is that people are constantly in need to be happy. why do we have TV, games, compactions, gambling and even social bonds. all these can be traced back to try and be happy. this dream that our culture teaches to always be happy. we see this in Christmas for example where every one is expected to be happy and people cant be people but big happy machines that cant have any emotion but a positive one. think if some one was happy all the time or had a smile on their face 24/7 people would think their sick or lies even having this people still expect others to be happy it is contradicting. it is takinge step forward and 2 steps back sococity isnt going any where good

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