Thursday, April 30, 2009

in the fridge

water containiar like a filter thing.
soda some brown shit that they drink.
chocletr bunny
orange juice
canberry juiceeggs
cream chease
there is the fridge

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

what i ate on the 29th

Croissant and water bottle. (Got it from the nice guy in side the tin can. ate it in school kind of rushed)
2 peanut butter and peach jelly sandwich with water. (Ail jos mom made for me. I ate while talking to ali jo no TV)
glass of water
glass of water
Big sandwich with broccoli mushrooms and onions covered in cheddar cheese. again water( dads birthday dinner. he had a burger. we saw how they made it just not where it came from. no TV we talked about a lot of things like where potting soil comes from. it comes from .)
Thinking about a big cup cake but now reading this..... I might not.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


The American way of eating is revolved around many other aspects rather then food. for example it is quick , portable and cheap.often when food is consumed there is some other kind of entertainment such as TV. food is rare;y the bases on the meals them selves and usually eat with TV or at a game. i would imagine that having these values and these kind of relieness on TV with a meal would cause a disconnection with a family. probably the only things that the members of the family would say is comments about the TV show there watching. some times like an "oh" or repeat what the televisions says except louder. there is an sad feel of wishing to be some where else looking at the window to another world that they would never reach. i also notice that some of the more popular America foods have a history of coming from people who where poor and had nothing else. examples like pizza , sausages (hot dogs), potapoes and hamburgers. each one of these comes from a desstion almost where the people who created them had nothing else so they made that shit.

how we eat at home.
well my mother house is different from my fathers way of eating. so i spend more time with my mom ill begin there. she keeps lots of soda ( because of my brother) ketchup and meat and not many veggieables or fruit. she is more of the American way of eating. when I'm not home she orders foods that are even worse. like white castles and really too much of that one thing. one contributor to there health going to extra shit is her boy friend who tends to eat like he just came from the march of battan so they follow little brother has digestive problems spends hours the the bath room. i get him fiber bread to he could crap easier he avoided it like a disease. it seems like he is trying to stay unhealthy and it is an attitude that he has and many people have where health is not priority. so he pays for it. my fathers uses more vegetables and less sugar. he also eats in smaller portions then America's way of eating.he is a bit more conscious about health then what I'm used to at my moms house.

How i eat is different them both. i usually drink water or some sought fruit jucie. i stay away from soda. if i have a choice i stay way from meat. when i eat with people i like to talk but rarely do some times. but it gets in some times. i also try to stay way from sugar because i can get diabetes really easily. There's not much to say here it is hard to analyze my own eating habits.

Friday, April 17, 2009

this break

well so far my break i feel is meaning full and healthy. i been walking a lot , i spent a lot of time by my self not distracted by any thing and just walking.i went through central park and i felt healthy. not just from the walking but from living in the moment i wasn't worried about the home work or people i was just there not worried. then i felt emotionally healthy but times that i didn't feel emotionally healthy when i spent my day just inside the house mostly waiting for my brother to come back so i could take him some where which we never went to. it really sucked and it was a waste of a day and i felt like a fish in a small bowl just sitting there as the world goes by. maybe a billions of things happening and I'm in a box oblivious to the world around me. i think that being separated and distracted from the reality. see what i think is that people are constantly in need to be happy. why do we have TV, games, compactions, gambling and even social bonds. all these can be traced back to try and be happy. this dream that our culture teaches to always be happy. we see this in Christmas for example where every one is expected to be happy and people cant be people but big happy machines that cant have any emotion but a positive one. think if some one was happy all the time or had a smile on their face 24/7 people would think their sick or lies even having this people still expect others to be happy it is contradicting. it is takinge step forward and 2 steps back sococity isnt going any where good

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

what i found about theraphys

cognitive behavioral therapy mission is to help poeple over comde there problems by loooing at there behaviors that are "dysfunctional " emtions and they usally set goals. it is a combanation of behavior therapy with cognitive therapy. they work with alot of insomnia and many others disorders.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

not for us

the first question what are Some examples of health that we would find unhealthy. well in china during the 10Th century women would pratice foot binding. this was a form of body modification that women would do at first only the elite did it but it soon casted to the poor. this would literal fold the foot inward making the front half of the the feet bend down. in this time in America we look at it as gross and completely unhealthy. this may of been a fashion style that turned the people doing it disabled. it has stopped in china towards the middle of the 20Th century
got picters from as well as some back round information

qustions of health

1.) what are some examples of health that we would find unhealthy
2.) what are some things that we find unhealthy that are healthy
3.) what are some example of people thinking some thing that is healthy and in turn it is horrible for them?
4.)what are some extremes people go to be "healthy"
5.) is there any thing that would improve our health in this country
6.) what is the healths place.
7.) what is the most unhealthy place to be.
8.) why cant we cure bad vision only live with it.
9.)what are some ways to keep healthy what are known.
10.) is there a connection of health and beutey