Saturday, March 28, 2009

well in a socity that is vaules humans above all esle it is hard to peer past our spieces dogmas to see life as a whole. some of these obsitacals are so ingained in socity that we cant get past them as easly as one would hope. first there is reiligion. reilgion usall covers the whole life of the existance. from when time began and time will end and seems to know alot about the very universe we live in. in genese chapter one it is said that god created the animals to serve humans . not only serve us but we where lucky enough to look like gods image. this is already a dogma that seperates us from animals becuase poeple see them as things to be concured rulled and taken over. next one which is always at odds with many reilegions is the cultuers perpeption of evoultion. i say cultur persepshion becuase peple see as evouashion as going up like in pokemon where some turns in to a better some thing which is not evluiton but metephorifasis. i will talk about this futher later. but in sceince they seperate human in a differn genius than other animals. (in truth we might share a geinus with other animals like chimps and bonobos but scince has not refused to expect.) this can also again show that humans are serpate in many ways again surperior than others. also it fails to show how other humans faired in this an how they died out or mixed each is thoery is unknown but each seems to put human kind on top. next is some thing thatr if you ask poeple what is the differces between poeple and animals are if the said person say that we are differnt it is likely that there resonsing will be simalr to dicarts. that animals dont think, lack souls and any consaness.this is a huge way poepel will separte them selves and seems to draw from the old testment that we are the only beings with souls and becuase of that we are on top thus should use our power to rule them. dicart also felt that there was a differnce between mind and body and that humans where the mind and animals where just bodys with no thought or senes of being. this makes poeple feel that animials not only dumber than them but have no sense of selves also lack a mind. this futher increases that people feel that there more intellagent and a high class of being than any animal. we see this with many pets some times poeple lock them up make them pee in little houses , stay in the same area there whole lives and ripe off there genitals so they cant mate. these animals are pets and are usally the only time poeple spend with animals but even than human animals stay away from other animals. humans usally stay with there own kind such in citys where it is made for humans like a habitat in a zoo. this ioslation leads humans to not understand animals and alientate them bbecuase they never see other animals poeple feel they are not one of them. in the zoo humans lock many other aniamsl so poeple could look at them. humans are so serpated that peopel pay to see other animals. these are many sepation that humans have with other animals but does it matter? should people care ? why should we care to realte to other animals?
the earlist mammals to giev birth acorrding to the fossil record popped up in the over 125 million years during the early Jurassic they where marsupial means that they had pouchs. we are these mammlas at least they are our ansectors. it why does this matter well this shows that millions of years before homo sapains even where born. what does this have to do with any thing .well birth poeple spend thosands on babys thinking that there is so muck going wroung so they need to numb the feeling, inroge it or just cut the baby out all tougher. human kind doesnt see them selves as animals so they feel that they are uneqiuped to handle birth and need all these proceeders to get some thing done that happens normally.humans like the dicart philoacy seperate them selves from there body and are the mind birth is an exsample of this. but humans if they are so mind and not body why do so many vaction get aways invole phyiscal avitves like skiing, water slides and rafting just to say some. we humans are phyical but since we see that as "animal" we chose not to be becuase we see our selves so speaical. so special that humans stand out above the rest. humans have always belived in a speacle resuse if it is rapture or alien abuduction poeple feel that we are so important that a million year cizaltion will see us and save us. which ofcorese unlikely. humans need help it is a nariclst view. if we underastnad that there is no reuses that aliens wont save us maybe we can live lives that will help each other out and not take so much and live with the world and not on it.

now what dfo i think
i think that this matters, we are all animals there is no speration. i feel that many of these out looks where over shadowed by others. for exsample the thoery of evoultion, poeple say that we evlouled from animals. that statment does not make sense. first you need to consired when did we stop being animals? when homo ecturs controled fire, used a tool or when neatertalls planed a hunts? truth is evoultion is not like pokemon we dont like transform and where are better. poeple see evoultion as a god force as some thing that steps in and makeing a better product. this is not true evoultion is humans trying to understand how some triats are adventagous and are passed on. some time these traits can be advantages to a kind of envormient and one the envorment changes the animals die. they die out becuase they evouled , where the end product anialms that died out better than there ancestors . no they where just as bad . ,maybe better for a kind of envorment but nothing else. i feel that evoultion has been wraped by these dogmas to put the end product on top as if it was all leading to us. if so why did dinosuars rule this world for hunders of millions of years. i feel that people fail to see that evoulstion is nothing like metephorises. metephorfisis is to change to a gentic plane to trully change. when evoulstion is not like that it takes millions of years for any chang to acure so that poeple of that speaices wone see the change it would just be like ti was always there. now that i got that off humans are not the top of evolution. there is no top to it if you put a speaices in a differnt envorment that is when it will evloe to that enovorment. no speaices no matter how smart can stop enovling . now it wont get better for exsample how things are going now people who are not so smart are having lots of kids. this might mean that in a million or so years human kind might be dumber than it is now not getting better but still evolveing. if poeple understand that we are animals just like every thing else poeple might understand them selves better and feel closer to the world they live in and live better lives

the spell cheack is not working sorry every one..

our inner fish.

interview with jose

me :how are you?
jose:i'm fine haha how are you?
me: im good hahah. well is your life meaning full
jose:yes of corse it is. i mean to me yes to the .. the big .. the world maybe no so much. i mean this is a big place i cant mean some thing to every one but i know i have my place.
me:would you consider your self wise?
jose: well im old i better be! hahah.
me: what makes some one wise?
jose:well that can be alot of things. but one of the most sure ways is women. women will make you crazy and soon youll get wise.
me: what do you vaule most in life?
jose :family i guess. what else is there.
me :are you happy?
jose :well yeah im smileing right. hahahah

interview with jose

interview with gloria

me : how are you grandma.
grandma :im fine hijo. lonely... your uncle chiny never calls me . and i dont i dont thnk he likes me.
me: im sorry grand ma im sure he is busy, his arms needs alot of work on it.
grandma: eh;. what can you do.
me:well grand ma do you consider your life meaningfull?
me:do you consirder your life meaning full
grandma :OH meaningfull ehehhehe. well yes i think it is meaningfull thanks to my babys evey time is see my babys i thank god.
me:so grandma would you consirder your self wise. '
grandma:well yes im wise about some things more than others. but all tougher im not that wise.
me:what expericenes make some one wise.
grandma:well thats a hard question. i would say sya ro be around and see poeple. get to know poeple and you become wiser.
me:what do you vaule most in life?
grandma:well my BABYS HAHAHA!
me:are you happy?
grandma :well yesn since my hijo is over and im talking to you. but im lonely up here your tio jose never comes by. kieth he is lazy and wont help me here. im happy but im lonely.
me :thanks grandma