Wednesday, February 25, 2009

living funeral

well my biggest problem is that who to invite.i mean we effect people we don't even notice and they would want to see you even though you don't know there name or any thing but they will want to express respect,sorrow or what ever.a funeral is like a party of appreciation for the person.i mean it is not happy but it is a gathering and you hear people say stuff about you that you never thought they would of said. it is a nice idea and i would like to see that while I'm alive and hear good things that these people think of is a shame that we don't hear this while were alive because i think if people heard things good about them more often maybe they would be better people.i don't know

how did i feel about this?
well i think it is some what comforting and unsettling to think about this. i mean to think about not existing any more having the experience of complete loses of cautiousness. also looking at the complete change in someone when there dead and thinking that will be you. death over all is not scary it is the dieing that is scary. getting dead. when we see death it is a negeative thing but i think we look at dieing as bad. also i know before someone dies a flood of dopamines and they get in to a good feeling so mabye dieing might be enjoyable. so we have a biological fear of death which is understandable we cant change that so easyly but why not try we will get there soon.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

answers that i have found

the rise of obesity in america has risen dramtically in recent years. the number of obesisy in childern has alson rised considerably. what about the elderaly poeple have there been a rise in obesity of poeple who are over the age of 65? how many of us are going to have to buy over sized coffins? well a study that was persented by has said this statement

"An analysis led by a UC researcher calculates that the number of obese adults over the age of 60 will rise from 14.6 million in 2000 to 20.9 million in 2010--an increase of 43 percent."

this rise in obesity will lead tto higher rates in heart realted illnesses.

since there are these problems of old poeple how many people in the united states are old?

In July 2003, 35.9 million
people were aged 65 and older in
the United States, or 12 percent
of the total population. Among
the older population, 18.3 million
people were aged 65 to 74, 12.9
million were aged 75 to 84, and
4.7 million were 85 and older.

i got this from

if there are these many poeple what is there life expetinticy?

• People in the United States are
living longer and healthier lives
than ever before. Average life
expectancy at birth rose from 47.3
in 1900 to 76.9 in 2000.

again i got this at

now that we know there amounte of poeple what is the demographics?

• In 2003, non-Hispanic Whites
accounted for nearly 83 percent
of the older population. Blacks,
Asians, and Hispanics accounted
for 8 percent, 3 percent, and 6
percent, respectively.


now where would one find the most old poeple in this country?

Florida, Pennsylvania, and West
Virginia were the states with the
highest proportions 65 and older in
2000: 17.6 percent, 15.6 percent,
and 15.3 percent, respectively.

again i got this from the very helpfull

qustions to reserch

. What percentage of old people live in nursing homes?

2. What percent of old people are over weight?

3. what percent of old people keep in touch with their family?

4. are bad drivers?

5. How many old people kill themselves?

6. How many old people have kids (grand kids, great grand kids... blablabla)

7. How many are sexually active?

8. On medications?

9. Socially active?

10. How many have come over from another country to try and live a better life in America for themselves or their family?

11. How many have health care?

12. how many are in jail?

13. how many old people are minororitys?

14. Rate of poverty?

15. how many are still working ?

16. percent over age of 65?

17. what is there life expeticy in america

18. How many old people actually feel they belong in soctiy and that they are in touch (alot) to their grandkids or kids in general?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

qustions for the elderlary.

how are you?

is your life meaning full?

would you consider your self wise?

what experince make some one wise?

what do you vaule most in life?

are you happy?