Tuesday, December 2, 2008

a man lived 34 years to be steped on to death.

this makes me so sad to read because a man who died we cant blame any one. i mean imagine being there fingers breaking trying to move only to be steped by more poeple shit i mean i bet they steped on his neck and head and didnt care. like what did they think when they felt a hard bump on there foot. did they think "oh well", "nothing " or just "20 dollars off!!!" just how sicking i think that there are poeple out there that think like that. that there is a group of people who only consider what they want or to save money ocver the life of anther human. these poeple should not deserve to live i mean like there a tumor on the human race.so we can remove it or decided to fix it. i think we cant do one or the other which is sad. a way to fix it is to teach them or reverse engineer them to think less of the vaule of a dollar. i think that there is to much on this peice of cotton with black iron oxide on it. that so many people want it that it put us all at risk. for exsample in america we pay for college in europ you don't. but how is this relavent it is that kids have sold them selves for college, sold drugs , work and school ( which if you think about it , it is limiting the persons potential) if colege suppose to show a person full pontenail why can only these with money get in. but this shows a power of some thing that many agree on is worth some thing. a dollar is not will never can ever be more then a human life. but becuase they put worth to such crap that it becomes a infulence for life taking and enslaveing our entire country.

i think we should ask poeple what they would do for a dollar because it would shows how enslaved much of our population really is. im thinking how man jobs are just about money there are TONS just for some things so meaning less in the end. but money is people priotry it is as i see it a key to stuff it is not the stuff it self.

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