Sunday, October 26, 2008

comments i made

i like yours aot it is short sweet and is done very well. like how a person would wright observeashtions of any thing else. also how you used the style of the video it self to how a child dreams in a craolya way. YOUR AMAZING.

To marco

i liike how you showed how some poeple there idea may of "a good life" may not work some. also i think you uncovered alot thanks for doing all 3. but one think i have to ask is would a poor family really be happy with golden rims or some of the other stuff that paraded to show a good life. i think they would be content in haveing what is needed and to just be able match socitys limit instead of sporting all these rediculas things. just an idea. also i feel that a family poor might want all that but what they sport for having a good life would be that they have love. you ever heard that saying "were rich RICH IN LOVE" so maybe to agree with the beetels they might go with that so they could have a win.

To dylan

great job sam you had a amazing end to this that leaves me thinking. i what i could get is that in our culture there is never enough. we need more and more thats why leaving a normal life is not good enough.(to our culture) the saying the grass is greener on the other side. we can only get better things and never do as good with what we have. you did a great job.

To sam

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