Thursday, September 18, 2008

Video analysis and reflection


the aspects that I inclued in the video were things that I felt had some significant part of my life ether by the way I acted on it and is an aspect that is still with me. For example those aspects were like science , batman , star wars, mom and dad and stuff like that I felt it to be meaning full because a lot of those things make me who I am today and might effect you and then some one else. There were some accepts I thought were meaningless like the part about my mom being a cat lady because really who cares about some ones pets. I'm not like holy mother of god they have a fuzzy dog and I feel the same with mine maybe i'm just not an animal person but still I thought it served no significance I could of put some thing more me like going to central park because I like it there and I find nature to be more meaning full then my mothers cats hair color. Also I sent a lot of time in central park but I wasn't able to show it so I which I could of included that. Also maybe like some Godzilla toys or some thing. But I thought the video was getting long and is already way too long so I stuck with the most appairrent and I guess basic to me.


what I found as I was thinking about what to put in the video I realized that the things that were meaning full were things that I thought made the world in to a better place...OR at least showed ways to make the world in to a better place. But over all I thing that the things I like I like them because of there significance or either I find some thing and say that aspect I like and the rest I don't because they lack any real significance.

What I notice the pattern of the things that had “significance” to me were that they were able to give me some thing to aspire too. Like the Jedi and batman's control I try to achieve that in my self, not that I hope once I do achieve that control(if I ever) that I would be a jedi or batman I just hope that ill be able to become a better person to the people around me. OH and also the accept I showed was I want a lot of stuff to change but I know I cant do it by my self but I hope I could change.

Once reviewing the video I think it very very boring. I wish I could of done some thing more with it. i could of inclued some charter and made it shorter a bit more and it is too me to eh it is not entertaining you need some way to make it entertaining and some realisim so that the people watching it could enjoy it. I think this is because I rushed the project thus it feels almost empty to me because it's me, I know me . you know what mi saying. If some one is just meeting me and whats to know me better than sure its cool but I would rather have the person talk to me rather than watch it but it's cool I think. My mom said it was cute so thats the only outside perspective I can get so I guess to some it is cute.

Does what we like make us meaning full or is it what we do?
What makes a life meaning full or a life meaningless?
What can one do to make life more meaning full.

1 comment:

Dylan Conroy said...

man your video wat the best i seen so far
i got to know you better