Friday, June 12, 2009

one thing that is never really brought to qustion is the collpse of our soclity becuase of our own sucicdly culture. it seems to have thought to exist for ever maybe not as america but as you know empires fall and all these other things go but never our socity is in qustion all the same just probly a new flag same old. now this whole oil thing is not new poeple knew about it before the car was even fully marketed to the point that it is today. goege washtion carber and heanery ford both had a idea for bio fuels and made a dielas engine run on veditbel oils. what is shame about us it that popele saw thigs coming but nnothing was done but why? i bleeve that like a really bad wart it was growing and growing and to try to rip it out would cuase so much of a change that poeple would really get angry or the "wroung" poeple would get poor. itg is as if the poeple on easter island some one made a wheel from stone that would move the statues for them but they said fuck it we got trees and that cuased there down fall and might cuase ours. hpoefully some wizard person will make cold fusion but that probly wont happen.

looking at the peek oil i mean some body step in to gear and relaly do some thing. is this why we went to iraq or the middle east to get some of theres since they peeked later then we did. i mean prorlby thats why bush was voted back. who knows prephaps in 100 years fomr now his actions would of prolonged for us to change the callpose and poeple would make staues of him. wow that would be a werid world but perhaps it could happen. but this doesnt have to be sad where poeple will eat each other maybe it would be slow and for the better like maybe popele would be come nicer. i feel every one would freak out make it worse but then they will realize that not much will be donw by doing that so they might calm down. also depending on the time when ti happens if the owrld is ready for the switch then it will be fine if not shit might happen.

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