Saturday, December 20, 2008

margoial paragroph

Even though many people see just what I showed before there are also
many messages that are "marginal" meaning that are not as said as the
dominant messages but are still showed from time to time. Often these
messages are contradicted at the same time they are presented. But
still being there they sow us how to live a good and meaningful life
even though the message may be contradicted or even rare to find. The
marginal messages for example show up in some movies, TV, books and
magazines the same space that most dominate messages occupy. But do
not show up that of then in those forms of media. The problem with
marginal messages is often not marginal for too long. But the they
some times stay marginal if for example they do not make good money or
people just don't take a liking to them but it is still they are
present to the masses as a way of living a good and meaning full life

A example of a marginal message in at least America Is a song by the
band Rammstein
Call " Amerika" it is a song sung in mostly German and in the music
video take place on the moon mocking the moon landing also in other
places in the world to show how the American culture has spread and is
changing the way of people. Here is a link if you want to see it.
The link to the English translation is

The lines in the song are important to. The song is lines can be read
almost like orders like some one is telling another person to do some
thing and the person telling all this to is America. This song is
showing that following the American life style is not the best thing.
Even though every one looks happy with all this stuff but at the same
time the show how it says "I'll show you how it's done right."
Showing how America controls people and has to tell people to do what
is "right" it counties to say
I know steps that are very useful,
And I'll protect you from missteps,
And anyone who doesn't want to dance in the end,
Just doesn't know that he has to dance!"
The "I" is America. And the message in this song is to live a good and
meaningful life is to stand above all this and not to get caught up in
the American culture. Again this is clarified when the band becomes
Native Americans showing that they're the real Americans and that we the world is lost to these fake Americans that are the ones who went to the moon.

Another cooperate marginal message is I feel is in star wars. A lot of the time it is contradicting also there are many of them. It is a long series but in the 6 movies there is a lot of messages that tend to go against what our society look at the norms. For example in the movie the empire strikes back , Luke meets a great Jedi master not is some grand temple nor a magnificent Mansion but in a dirty swamp. When our society we thing to be powerfully you must be rich as I mentioned for the good life song that the better you are the more you have. But in this slum there is suppose to be a extraordinarily power full person. This shows that to have a meaningfully life you don't need lots of stuff or a big house. Even further Yoda was not the pinnacle idea of strength he was small and old. This also shows to have a good and meaningfully life you don't need to be beautifully or physically strong this contradicts all those ab commercials that are on so often in magazines and on television.
All these message often are presented to us and it is up to us toy find out which is right for you and even the community you live in marginal messages is usually give us the battling aspect of all these messages often hidden are covered up by the dominate messages. These messages even though the are covered up that still doesn't mean that there less important. But can marginal messages become dominant I think because they are hidden we feel that they are even more important or more meaning full.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

rough draft so drafty

once were born we are expected to live a good life. Some times many months before were born

we are expected to live a life with meaning. But how can we lives a life with meaning? People are bumbared with answers all there lives usally conerdicting ideas that ofthen make it much harder to to find a way to live a meaningfull life because people are getting so many mixed answers. So what do poepel get out of this mess of answers and exsamples . In our class we asked random people qustions that we chosse that might show there view on a meaningfull life. The qustion I choose is what is beuty because this can refelct that what they think I buetyfull can show its's singafiance to them and it will show what kind of a person they are also there vaules in life.

So what is to live a meaning full life to me. Well I think the best way to do that is to look at what I like. I believe to show what I hold dear is what usaly what I find meaningfull things that I think made the world in to a better place...OR at least showed ways to make the world in to a better place. But over all I thing that the ideas , people, music or even books. I like them because of there significance or either I find some thing that I find sigfigante and hope it is sinigaganet.“significance” to me is able to give me some thing to aspire too. Like the Jedi and batman's control I try to achieve that in my self, not that I hope once I do achieve that control(if I ever) that I would be a jedi or batman I just hope that i'll be able to become a better person to the people around me. and also the accept I showed was I want a lot of stuff to change but I know I cant do it by my self but I hope I could achive that aspect of control.

I can see how the I view the world and what my meaning is but im only 1 out of 6 billltih of the population so there are a lot of ideas being given by all these people or they choose to make other people ideas of a meaning full life there own. I think some are bad for people while others can be more helpful then others. For exsample the song “ a good life” by knya west . This song is what I thihk many peopole want to live like this song is saying the only way to live a good life is money, being rich, have loads of crap. Never any thing that will make one happy for a long time it is all just things that will last for a short time then you spit it out and get another one every thing is short little “fun” things. Just it is a bad way at looking at life and the world we live in. also I mean what is this sending for people to be happy drink get cars and like big asses that's what the song say it is to have a good life. Be rich be a pig for example “and watch the money pile up, the good life” he says this while stacks of money come down. Another image in the video was when he said shit the best things in life are free at the same time he is sprinkling diamonds so that is meant to be a gag like sarcastic comment the over laying is that you need to have money and spend it one real crap. So how can you have money if you spend it always on real crap that a contradiction.the other themes are ME and I I thought I was bad as I said before. Just feeding in the worst part of us. So people learn to think for them selfves and make nothing good for people that are not them selves.

But what about real people not every one think like kanye and most people have there own view on the meaning of life.
While interviewing the people around me, the common answers were those that would justify their present situation. The questions I asked were "what is meaning?", "how meaningful is your life?", and "what is beauty?". I got various answers but most were characterized by a lack of thought. But over all, I thought it was interesting and helped the person realize aspects about their life that they overlook.

Then I asked people about their idea of beauty. Asking this question would help me find what they valued. I was inspired to ask this when I heard on the radio how quickly evolution can happen. Women in Romania could grow full mustaches because the men there found women with mustaches to be more beautiful for what ever reason. So I thought about every one else. Would there be a pattern like there is in Romania? Would it be a favorite color, or a flower, or something? So I asked my cousin first and he said “Ian, what is beautiful is very simple.. a fat ass.” I was very disappointed with this and thought it was a not a thought out answer so I asked again... I posed the question in a different way: “Well, why is a fat ass beautiful and what if a rhino or a chicken had a fat ass would that make it beautiful?” He said it is always “in the eye of the beholder and yes, those animals would be beautiful. Ian, how can one not like a fat ass?”

What struck me was that he said everyone has their own taste but it is weird for me to think differently than him. Basically, he has a strict idea of beauty and that every one else is wrong but he will tolerate them. This connects to my idea that most people will make what they like more beautiful or meaningful because they like it and want to be right.

Another person I asked was my little brother and he said that beauty was our city. So, I asked further clarifying questions like "what make makes it nice?". Through talking to him, he was able to narrow the most beautiful traits about the city to the "peace" and "security". He feels the city has peace between people. So I asked “how about just 'peace' in general? Is that beautiful to you?” he said “yeah and I like dads neighborhood.”
Our dad lives in the north Bronx where the Botanical gardens are. He added that “nothing is dramatically changing and that every thing is the same. I think.” So I thought my brother likes his environment to be like really smooth glass and any imperfections on the glass would stand out and he wouldn’t like it. I was able to understand that Eric finds beauty in the places he can consider home.

The last person I asked this question to was a man in union square who I know little about. He was smoking a a cigarette on the bench when I asked him for his definition of "beauty". I was surprised since he was so short with me. So I asked him what aesthetically pleases him. He looked puzzled and seemed to be in deep thought. Then I took the pressure off him by saying "how about just knowing it when you see it?" and he nodded, relieved and said "yeah that's cool." So then I asked him how meaningful he felt his life was, and he replied with a "7", one of the lowest numbers I had heard someone rate. I decided I wouldn't keep him any longer, so I shook his hand. His handshake was pretty weak. I could tell he did not think very highly of himself and also he was unsure of where he stood in all aspects of his life. His idea of beauty was not firmly established because he is unsure about his own meaning. He is an example of how meaningfulness and beauty are linked at their cores.

I have found that beauty is highly subjective but is also derived from individual values, sense of worth, and a person's relative meaning. That is why there is no accurate, uniform definition for beauty, since it is only validated by an individual perspective.

After asking all these people what is infuliceing them to think that way so we studyed the copertae messgaes that are being literally trown at them and us to make things worse there are many different sorces sayign many different things oftehn conredicting each other. There are magaizens and popualr songs

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

a man lived 34 years to be steped on to death.

this makes me so sad to read because a man who died we cant blame any one. i mean imagine being there fingers breaking trying to move only to be steped by more poeple shit i mean i bet they steped on his neck and head and didnt care. like what did they think when they felt a hard bump on there foot. did they think "oh well", "nothing " or just "20 dollars off!!!" just how sicking i think that there are poeple out there that think like that. that there is a group of people who only consider what they want or to save money ocver the life of anther human. these poeple should not deserve to live i mean like there a tumor on the human we can remove it or decided to fix it. i think we cant do one or the other which is sad. a way to fix it is to teach them or reverse engineer them to think less of the vaule of a dollar. i think that there is to much on this peice of cotton with black iron oxide on it. that so many people want it that it put us all at risk. for exsample in america we pay for college in europ you don't. but how is this relavent it is that kids have sold them selves for college, sold drugs , work and school ( which if you think about it , it is limiting the persons potential) if colege suppose to show a person full pontenail why can only these with money get in. but this shows a power of some thing that many agree on is worth some thing. a dollar is not will never can ever be more then a human life. but becuase they put worth to such crap that it becomes a infulence for life taking and enslaveing our entire country.

i think we should ask poeple what they would do for a dollar because it would shows how enslaved much of our population really is. im thinking how man jobs are just about money there are TONS just for some things so meaning less in the end. but money is people priotry it is as i see it a key to stuff it is not the stuff it self.

Monday, December 1, 2008

im not sure if this was home work but im doing it

the seller and the buyer.

they are polar opposites. one is trying to get the most money out of the other for an item while the other is trying to get as close to Free to a cost of a item. so each person is not there to agree with the person so they make a cost a agreement on the value of an item that is to be bartered.

so people with complete conadicting ideas both trying to do the complete opposite of what the other wants to do so there will be arguments. but why is it that the customer is now the one in control?
i bet in old times like the years 39 or some time when there wouldn't be a store for goods in 13 miles away the store owner needed you less. because you needed them they didn't need you. now the store owner needs you because there the completion now they need to serve you. so this serve is like a sub person.... let me explain they see it a thing to serve you and nothing else not to be a person and not thing more just what your needed for. because every one wants a there shit and nothing else it is that the desertions is better then the road it self. so lets say Alex's family was like that then they wouldn't have a good friend. but because they knew a restaurant is More then just food but also the people there and the road is important to they got allot more out of that resterrunt besides some food to poop out.