"if man was ever born free it's not here."- i think i just made that!
a working clock is a complez piece of machinaoery every thing must fit go at the right pace and deliever some thing to the colloective machine. we are those pieces we are those gears fitted , framed , melted and forced to work a certine way. how are poeple broken down? what makes poeple who have the most engery they will ever have in there lives break down and fit in to this clock or soiclital complex? well currnet schooling. the systeam today was created during the fdr addmenshtions not to make a country intelltals but of factory workers who are obdent and will produce. simlar to north koran mind control techines discovered in the 50s childern are told to wake up early ( biolgogy teens are suppose to wake up later and sleep later( what is resonable is the circadian rhythm that changes furning the stages of our lives and in teens and pre teens is at a differnt pace than the scheal forced on them)
also haveing a toaltrain envorment where you are but the subjected they arre forced to carry weight some times 50% of there body weight. this happen to in koran pow camps. so my question is to find out if kids are going thorugh? how much do these bags weigh? to find this all out i will ask a group of midde schooler how much there bags wiegh with a survey. this survery will ask what do they think there bags weigh between 10-20 pounds? i plan on asking 100 childern to see a good sample size. i will use the random smapling method asking a random group of childern to see how much they think there bags weigh. i want to know this beuase if school is getting more stressful as more parnets are sayign when they se there kids work or them shooting at each other what are some systomes of it? i hope to answer if the bag is being more then a wieght or less?
what would you say your bag weighs?
0-10 (0%) 10-20 (35%) 20-30 (42%) 30-40 (20%)40-60 (2%) more then 60 pounds (1%)
0-10 pounds
10-20 pounds
20-30 pounds
30-40 pounds
40-60 pounds
More than 60 pounds
does your bag have wheels?
75% no 15% yes
draw histograph here!
it seemes that most kids in middle school there are alot that have those that belong in air ports but not that many and still it seems that there are useing the common school bag and still have a wieght more then 20 pounds or more. the most of corse is 10 to 30 pounds with a sum of 77% of kids who have that weight. there was one kid who had more the 60% that student may be lying though or going to differnt school than the rest becuazse moer then 60 pounds is alot or such small producers. there is a problem here that the kids may have been lying or where really off with there estimates. a better way to cunduct this survey would be to go to each child and wiegh there bags one by one and see if that bag has wheels as well so it would be a bit more accuret. from looking at the bell curve i can see the it is goign to the right with 20 to 30 pounds being the heightst amount and is being the curves beining in the bell curve. if it kept going the 10 to 305 would keep being the highest and the 0 percent with 0 to 10 pound bags.
what has been discovered is that there is kids are holding alot ofthen what i take down for laurngy it is not exciessive but lets compare im no caring that bag and im not 60 or 100 pounds I was those in middle school any way thinking that the bags are some times 30 or 20 pounds is possbly half the body weight maybe less and for that one perosn they wher carrying there own wieght.; so yes I think it is excessive and I would wonder what it the point of having them carry that ? Also with the other rules that seem not to make sense I rember I drew on my face and they freaked out maybe it was just then but is that still going on? This lead to many moer questions then answers maybe I could talk to a teacher who thought middle school and they could tell me if they mean to break these childerns spirts or just do it by accident.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Monday, November 23, 2009
the motions
desbribing the motion of this secleted veicile. we see the that it is at first it is fast the car is moving at 15mps. then as it moved slower as time passed. so it is slowing down in the negtive dierction. at 3.5 seconds we see that that car is at a complete stop. but then at 4 seconds we see the car in now 3mps. now we see it is speeding up. to the point where at 8 seconds it is 27 mps. so it went from 0 to 27 mps in 8 seconds.
Friday, June 12, 2009
one thing that is never really brought to qustion is the collpse of our soclity becuase of our own sucicdly culture. it seems to have thought to exist for ever maybe not as america but as you know empires fall and all these other things go but never our socity is in qustion all the same just probly a new flag same old. now this whole oil thing is not new poeple knew about it before the car was even fully marketed to the point that it is today. goege washtion carber and heanery ford both had a idea for bio fuels and made a dielas engine run on veditbel oils. what is shame about us it that popele saw thigs coming but nnothing was done but why? i bleeve that like a really bad wart it was growing and growing and to try to rip it out would cuase so much of a change that poeple would really get angry or the "wroung" poeple would get poor. itg is as if the poeple on easter island some one made a wheel from stone that would move the statues for them but they said fuck it we got trees and that cuased there down fall and might cuase ours. hpoefully some wizard person will make cold fusion but that probly wont happen.
looking at the peek oil i mean some body step in to gear and relaly do some thing. is this why we went to iraq or the middle east to get some of theres since they peeked later then we did. i mean prorlby thats why bush was voted back. who knows prephaps in 100 years fomr now his actions would of prolonged for us to change the callpose and poeple would make staues of him. wow that would be a werid world but perhaps it could happen. but this doesnt have to be sad where poeple will eat each other maybe it would be slow and for the better like maybe popele would be come nicer. i feel every one would freak out make it worse but then they will realize that not much will be donw by doing that so they might calm down. also depending on the time when ti happens if the owrld is ready for the switch then it will be fine if not shit might happen.
looking at the peek oil i mean some body step in to gear and relaly do some thing. is this why we went to iraq or the middle east to get some of theres since they peeked later then we did. i mean prorlby thats why bush was voted back. who knows prephaps in 100 years fomr now his actions would of prolonged for us to change the callpose and poeple would make staues of him. wow that would be a werid world but perhaps it could happen. but this doesnt have to be sad where poeple will eat each other maybe it would be slow and for the better like maybe popele would be come nicer. i feel every one would freak out make it worse but then they will realize that not much will be donw by doing that so they might calm down. also depending on the time when ti happens if the owrld is ready for the switch then it will be fine if not shit might happen.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
13 billion years
usually when any one says the big picture the biggest picture most people see is that they feel it is the universe and it means every thing. often opele use that for this every thing as a spot to start. and if this is every thing it is thought it would end in a big freeze destroying all matter leaving only crappy light particles. looking at this large amount of time and a huge BIG place we are in it is hard to feel any one has any meaning or is of any size to make a difference. one man named conperigus once said that there are thousands of other planets suns and earths all as holy as earth. he was burned to death by the church. this view of there are other places like our own many more and that we are small is fictu irghting to many but now seems to be a get away and i believe no t probably looked at and is just accepted with out an understanding of it thus they make sthe conclusion that all is meaning less. but ill ask what would be meaning full to be the only planet? or to be half the size of the universe ? what would it take to be meaning full in there eyes. in asking this what is meaning full the really big things? i think it is to have an effect on a big picture. to see what these people think it is probably what ever has the biggest effect is more meaning full. for example in the movie collateral that was the big point of the antagonist who felt what does it all matter when we are just a small dot in a small dot. also many lines in the movie fight club but why is this why dose effect on the bigger picture more meaning full even if really it is completely meaning less? my point is that there is no problem being a small dot on a even smaller dot but many people thing so and what are ways that having a small role can have a big effect or even a small effect.
a big effect could be meaning full but meaning less at the same time. for instance if some one buries an island in mud big task but nothing really came from it but a muddy mound. but that's a bit out there so a good example of how some thing small can be meaning full is in the radio show this American life the episode lets change the world act 2 "help me heather" this storie is true and is about a man who take scalls from people and just listens. some times they talk about there problems and just rant other times they make fun of him. here is the radio show link
from what began as a small accident from a prank call turned in to a whole human service to his community and helps people vent and probly make the right directions oh and even saved a couple peoples lives from killing them selves. but some thing as small as a call turns in to a meaning full conversation (which is also small by these standards) and makes all the difference. more of a differance then some gamma ray burst 1000 light years away that people seem envy.
see i think the smallest things usually make the biggest change and are usually more meaning full. but it all depends on what if I'm trying to stop lets say a contraction camp maybe the best thing for me to do is not trow chrumbs over but maybe save them or whole loafs of bread. but churmbs could help. also so how big effects even in the cosmic scale that people are so in tharlwed in are effected by little things people like Steven hawking realize this and pioneered a field calling quantum cosmology so show how things as small as atoms effect the "grand scale" of things .for if the cosmic scale is so important when first i don't believe many of us could be in touch with it. also where does this scale begin is it possible that there is no scale just our crappy perspective that limits allot so we invent this grand scale to make our selves smaller when really it never mattered i weather how small our planet is to the Virgo super cluster you know it doesn't matter because even if we could effect those big things what would we do? move them or make them dance? it is good people look at the size and wonder but there expectations are to unreal and realize that no matter how small big things can still be made and to batter the bigger scheme of things probably the more realistic one.
a big effect could be meaning full but meaning less at the same time. for instance if some one buries an island in mud big task but nothing really came from it but a muddy mound. but that's a bit out there so a good example of how some thing small can be meaning full is in the radio show this American life the episode lets change the world act 2 "help me heather" this storie is true and is about a man who take scalls from people and just listens. some times they talk about there problems and just rant other times they make fun of him. here is the radio show link
from what began as a small accident from a prank call turned in to a whole human service to his community and helps people vent and probly make the right directions oh and even saved a couple peoples lives from killing them selves. but some thing as small as a call turns in to a meaning full conversation (which is also small by these standards) and makes all the difference. more of a differance then some gamma ray burst 1000 light years away that people seem envy.
see i think the smallest things usually make the biggest change and are usually more meaning full. but it all depends on what if I'm trying to stop lets say a contraction camp maybe the best thing for me to do is not trow chrumbs over but maybe save them or whole loafs of bread. but churmbs could help. also so how big effects even in the cosmic scale that people are so in tharlwed in are effected by little things people like Steven hawking realize this and pioneered a field calling quantum cosmology so show how things as small as atoms effect the "grand scale" of things .for if the cosmic scale is so important when first i don't believe many of us could be in touch with it. also where does this scale begin is it possible that there is no scale just our crappy perspective that limits allot so we invent this grand scale to make our selves smaller when really it never mattered i weather how small our planet is to the Virgo super cluster you know it doesn't matter because even if we could effect those big things what would we do? move them or make them dance? it is good people look at the size and wonder but there expectations are to unreal and realize that no matter how small big things can still be made and to batter the bigger scheme of things probably the more realistic one.
Monday, June 8, 2009
first reaction to the collapse
well damn. the easter island thing is sad and that there vaules and culture caused there own destruction. where there any other ways could some one have said " a god doesnt look at size but only at detail." then they focus on makeing the most realistc on in a smalllar size and then they wouldnt need the trees. to me that mirros when goeoge washtion carber and ford made a engine run on penut oil becuase they knew oil wasnt going to last forever. it is like that there was a confirmed "come on guys" meaning the opition to change was there but peopel didnt take it. like the exsample i said before they just threw it over there heads and said to hell with that i like big things!! even now peopele feel that they still like there big cars and them to make loud noises. but thats is just one aspect probly the best thyihng to do is to change the root and make enegery that runs things like plastics ,homes and the things that support this systeam to a better energy that wont deplet the earth then it might castcad or grow on to other things. this is like the poeple on easter island had other trees to use besides the ones that where feeding them and maybe could of used other rocks or other trees if any. there are alot of simlaritys here whichc i find sad.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
mis used meat
looking at the videos each had an extreme one was funny and sometimes cute. but still it seemed to show the sick events happening in these markets was a bit more coeredeup but it still was informative and shocking. i liked some of them more then others i thought that some where horrifying but all and all it i ashamed that this happens. also i noctie there seems to be an unnecessary and shocking. when watching this it seemed to show how meat is every part of our lives and how poeplehave changed it. another thing is if aliens or robots where to take over and have some need for us this is what they would do. it was so cold and evil i just felt these living things are disconnected from every thing and human separate them selves like these animals are really items like they feel no pain or any thing but i mean pigs are smart. it is i dint know depressing to say the least. it how meat is bought sold package none of it is good. how do these people sleep at night l. the people who own these company's all the harm they are causing and the sheare amount of death. what makes them feel it is OK to cause so much death? i know that when most people see a dead animal or an animal dyeing people are hurt they want it to stop or find it really sad. how does that compare to other animals lets say complete carnivores? i know hyenas dint whimper once they see a other animal die. maybe humans aren't meant to kill animals. if we where why would we need condshoing also thinking back to the slaughter houses where they put the animal in to a container and out comes a dead one. why not show the animal dieing? why have it all covered up maybe humans don't want to see the death even when trying to get the dead body's. also why have machines do the killing of animals? do humans have any natural way of killing other animals? i could imagine jumping on a smaller animal an biting its head off. but that would make the person sad and would be not that effeientand porbly take a while to kill the other animal giving it more time to escape or do some thing gross like trow up in your mouth. now I'm thinking of a way to change the human evluiotn where scientist say that meat was the reason we became smarter but now i disagree.perhaps when the Forest where leaving our ancestors had no food to eat and ate dead animals not to starve probably hated it but had to because all the Forest where leaving. i could expand but i think i will get some thing complete soon.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
i tryed

i tryed what i thought was quicker and would invole me useing a motor. i tryed to make almond milk grinding up almonds and then mixing it with water. i thought ok easy and i dont mind plup.
so i took 2 cups of almonds put them in to the 20n year old blender. i then turned it on the lowsist hoping that the speed would allow it to really chop it to big chunks. then i set it higher to make them super tiny so they could like get there juices out and mix with the water.
then i filled the blender with water all the way to the top.and then i looked at it and diciede to mix it in the blender. putting it on slow to mix it and it got all fomemy and nice. so i tasted it was like a werid sweet and it had like sand in it it grinded up the plup too much and it was like chewing on sand.i let my mom have seep she said it needs some thing. it needs vinalla just a drop.so i put some vinlla in it . i gave it back to her and she said to much so i grinded up more alomnds to put the taste back and it balanced out the vinlla. ok now that i got it back it put in a plastic container like the ones poeple put ice tea in. i put some in there tryed out some and i didnt like it still had the super fine almond in it. the next day i tryed to strain it in this coffe thing my mom uses. it looked like how a western bull from sicretes posion from its soulders. then it looked like bug eggs too. but the strainer was too thick and it made took way to long for a drop to come out. i ran and got those metal strainers and it kinda worked i had to do it alot to get just the liquid. i took the pulp and put it in the oven i hope to make some facial thing. i hope it works. it did it taste ok like real milk expect sweeter.
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