Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"if man was ever born free it's not here."- i think i just made that!

a working clock is a complez piece of machinaoery every thing must fit go at the right pace and deliever some thing to the colloective machine. we are those pieces we are those gears fitted , framed , melted and forced to work a certine way. how are poeple broken down? what makes poeple who have the most engery they will ever have in there lives break down and fit in to this clock or soiclital complex? well currnet schooling. the systeam today was created during the fdr addmenshtions not to make a country intelltals but of factory workers who are obdent and will produce. simlar to north koran mind control techines discovered in the 50s childern are told to wake up early ( biolgogy teens are suppose to wake up later and sleep later( what is resonable is the circadian rhythm that changes furning the stages of our lives and in teens and pre teens is at a differnt pace than the scheal forced on them)

also haveing a toaltrain envorment where you are but the subjected they arre forced to carry weight some times 50% of there body weight. this happen to in koran pow camps. so my question is to find out if kids are going thorugh? how much do these bags weigh? to find this all out i will ask a group of midde schooler how much there bags wiegh with a survey. this survery will ask what do they think there bags weigh between 10-20 pounds? i plan on asking 100 childern to see a good sample size. i will use the random smapling method asking a random group of childern to see how much they think there bags weigh. i want to know this beuase if school is getting more stressful as more parnets are sayign when they se there kids work or them shooting at each other what are some systomes of it? i hope to answer if the bag is being more then a wieght or less?

what would you say your bag weighs?

0-10 (0%) 10-20 (35%) 20-30 (42%) 30-40 (20%)40-60 (2%) more then 60 pounds (1%)

0-10 pounds
10-20 pounds
20-30 pounds
30-40 pounds
40-60 pounds
More than 60 pounds

does your bag have wheels?
75% no 15% yes

draw histograph here!

it seemes that most kids in middle school there are alot that have those that belong in air ports but not that many and still it seems that there are useing the common school bag and still have a wieght more then 20 pounds or more. the most of corse is 10 to 30 pounds with a sum of 77% of kids who have that weight. there was one kid who had more the 60% that student may be lying though or going to differnt school than the rest becuazse moer then 60 pounds is alot or such small producers. there is a problem here that the kids may have been lying or where really off with there estimates. a better way to cunduct this survey would be to go to each child and wiegh there bags one by one and see if that bag has wheels as well so it would be a bit more accuret. from looking at the bell curve i can see the it is goign to the right with 20 to 30 pounds being the heightst amount and is being the curves beining in the bell curve. if it kept going the 10 to 305 would keep being the highest and the 0 percent with 0 to 10 pound bags.

what has been discovered is that there is kids are holding alot ofthen what i take down for laurngy it is not exciessive but lets compare im no caring that bag and im not 60 or 100 pounds I was those in middle school any way thinking that the bags are some times 30 or 20 pounds is possbly half the body weight maybe less and for that one perosn they wher carrying there own wieght.; so yes I think it is excessive and I would wonder what it the point of having them carry that ? Also with the other rules that seem not to make sense I rember I drew on my face and they freaked out maybe it was just then but is that still going on? This lead to many moer questions then answers maybe I could talk to a teacher who thought middle school and they could tell me if they mean to break these childerns spirts or just do it by accident.