Wednesday, May 27, 2009

mis used meat

looking at the videos each had an extreme one was funny and sometimes cute. but still it seemed to show the sick events happening in these markets was a bit more coeredeup but it still was informative and shocking. i liked some of them more then others i thought that some where horrifying but all and all it i ashamed that this happens. also i noctie there seems to be an unnecessary and shocking. when watching this it seemed to show how meat is every part of our lives and how poeplehave changed it. another thing is if aliens or robots where to take over and have some need for us this is what they would do. it was so cold and evil i just felt these living things are disconnected from every thing and human separate them selves like these animals are really items like they feel no pain or any thing but i mean pigs are smart. it is i dint know depressing to say the least. it how meat is bought sold package none of it is good. how do these people sleep at night l. the people who own these company's all the harm they are causing and the sheare amount of death. what makes them feel it is OK to cause so much death? i know that when most people see a dead animal or an animal dyeing people are hurt they want it to stop or find it really sad. how does that compare to other animals lets say complete carnivores? i know hyenas dint whimper once they see a other animal die. maybe humans aren't meant to kill animals. if we where why would we need condshoing also thinking back to the slaughter houses where they put the animal in to a container and out comes a dead one. why not show the animal dieing? why have it all covered up maybe humans don't want to see the death even when trying to get the dead body's. also why have machines do the killing of animals? do humans have any natural way of killing other animals? i could imagine jumping on a smaller animal an biting its head off. but that would make the person sad and would be not that effeientand porbly take a while to kill the other animal giving it more time to escape or do some thing gross like trow up in your mouth. now I'm thinking of a way to change the human evluiotn where scientist say that meat was the reason we became smarter but now i disagree.perhaps when the Forest where leaving our ancestors had no food to eat and ate dead animals not to starve probably hated it but had to because all the Forest where leaving. i could expand but i think i will get some thing complete soon.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

i tryed

i tryed what i thought was quicker and would invole me useing a motor. i tryed to make almond milk grinding up almonds and then mixing it with water. i thought ok easy and i dont mind plup.
so i took 2 cups of almonds put them in to the 20n year old blender. i then turned it on the lowsist hoping that the speed would allow it to really chop it to big chunks. then i set it higher to make them super tiny so they could like get there juices out and mix with the water.
then i filled the blender with water all the way to the top.and then i looked at it and diciede to mix it in the blender. putting it on slow to mix it and it got all fomemy and nice. so i tasted it was like a werid sweet and it had like sand in it it grinded up the plup too much and it was like chewing on sand.i let my mom have seep she said it needs some thing. it needs vinalla just a i put some vinlla in it . i gave it back to her and she said to much so i grinded up more alomnds to put the taste back and it balanced out the vinlla. ok now that i got it back it put in a plastic container like the ones poeple put ice tea in. i put some in there tryed out some and i didnt like it still had the super fine almond in it. the next day i tryed to strain it in this coffe thing my mom uses. it looked like how a western bull from sicretes posion from its soulders. then it looked like bug eggs too. but the strainer was too thick and it made took way to long for a drop to come out. i ran and got those metal strainers and it kinda worked i had to do it alot to get just the liquid. i took the pulp and put it in the oven i hope to make some facial thing. i hope it works. it did it taste ok like real milk expect sweeter.

ok i found it my moms eggplant parmesan

how to make it.
1 egg plant
cheese mozzarella
bread crumbs
good tomato sauce. like marina or some thing you like ( you can season the sauce if you want to.)
couple of eggs like 3
oil for pan
seasoning ( salt ,pepper, onion powder, pepper, garlic powder and a touch of Kyane pepper.)

now how to make it
put oil in to a pan and turn it on you will need the oil to be hot when you start.
first slice the egg plant in any way you want.
now crack the eggs and put them in the bowl now mix all the of the pepper, garlic power and the touch of kyane pepper. also some water if you want makes it easier to deal with.
put the bread crumbs in a plate.
cover egg plant in eggs then put it in to bread crumb.then put egg plant in to oil make sire egg plant has bread crumbs all over it.
now that the pieces are frying wait for it to turned brown.
now that it brown put them in to another pan that will go in to oven,.
the eggplants are all done put the sauce on it and cheese.
put in the oven i prefer at 350 till cheese melts.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

the farmers market

1.) How is the farmers market different from the normal grocery store?
Well the size is different it is more personal and you can see they really took care of what there selling to you they didn’t just buy it. Also the prices Zack bought a huge container of apple cider that would have been expensive in a normal store were cheaper. Also the grocery store has a whole idea of organic food so they separate where it is special and more expensive. In the farmers market they had mostly the organic stuff. Some still had signs organic but it was not special because every one else had one too. So it is claimer.
2.) Going to the gory store a little while ago no one could of spent any time on the farm. They are all people show live here and what could they farm and sell. The only things the people do there is buy the food from factories and put it on the selves. In the farmers market I mean it is in the name they are all problem the people who grew it or have some connection to its growth.
3.) I notice that it is not wet in the farmers market. In the grocery stores there fruits and vegetables are always wet spraying them constantly to make that due like thing to it. Also the grocery stores control the lighting so it makes the fruits look bright and now shinny. It almost looks like plastic fruits and vegetables. In the farmers market since they cant control the lighting and do not wet the fruit all the time so things look allot earthier.