Sunday, November 30, 2008

thanks giving and black friday

thanks giving this year was fine . i mean every one had there own way my couisn was dressed up really nice while my aunt waws where her pajamas and a weed shirt so we all had our own thing. i did talk about the genocide and yeah i started a fire about how white poeple are bad in my aunts. so it came down to that we have our own iscolated celebration. then my uncle said a praier and then every one talked about boats and how it would be to go down the river of life would it just be better to take a mottor and how getting there is the learning part not the place your trying to get to.
then later that night around 1 im laying on the bed thing i sleep on when i go to jersey and my cousin ivan was talking about going to the mall to his freidn carl over the phone at 4 in moring. to go and get stuff i asked him is ther any thing you plane to get . he looked at me and said "ummmm stuff" i was thinking wow so your doing all this to get to a place at 4 am to get some thing you do know about. so has black friday just become something for you to do to go and just buy with out really taking in to account if you need it or eve really want it. so it is really a day about consuming. so i woke up and he was coming back it as 10 in the morning. and he had bought all these foot ball cloths and yeah. i think he went there and said what do i not have.

i didnt go shopping i put up chirmas lights in the yard and helped out my uncle fix some sections of the lights and i learned some stuff about how lights woke and what they look like ( the wires i mean) also copper is a good thing to have laying around.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

the election

This election was very hyped, but it was able to come through on it's promise of making history. what made this one special at least in my life time is that new york won. the dems are in control and now once in my life as i can remember we will not have a president who we iddmeadly hate and scorn. i saw this in the 2000 election yonge as i was but i still notice people being pissed , then again in 2004 when the white house was lost agaian. made it seemed that being a president was an iddeamly wroung thing to do but now every one is happy about a politian which i have never seen before.

what i feel is the amount of people that voted for republican is that maybe they wanted to stay on there team and that many people that been fighting the agianist the other that they couldn't make a change perhaps of pride or some other factors. were people expecting this to be like the election of 1936 ( . we had simlar problems then as we did today but those were more extreame times in compareistion. we could be on our way to one just like that if we continue the way we are so why would any one want to keep it this way. anyway there are still alot of obmama mamas but why?
the reason i think it is because the dems have been loosing for so long and they needed to really have some one they wanted to win and it seemed that obama was there only hope. this is a tad over reacting but we will see if they were right to such devoted people to him.